Core Basics 1: Train, Evaluate and Deploy a Classifier

In this lesson we will learn how to train, evaluate and deploy classifiers with Khiops.

Make sure you have installed Khiops and Khiops Visualization.

We start by importing Khiops and defining some helper functions:

import os
import platform
import subprocess
from khiops import core as kh

# Define peek helper function
def peek(file_path, n=10):
    """Shows the first n lines of a file"""
    with open(file_path, encoding="utf8", errors="replace") as file:
        for line in file.readlines()[:n]:
            print(line, end="")

# If there are any issues you may Khiops status with the following command
# kh.get_runner().print_status()

Training a Classifier

We’ll train a classifier for the Iris dataset. This is a classical dataset containing the data of different plants belonging to the genus Iris. It contains 150 records, 50 for each of three variants of Iris: Setosa, Virginica and Versicolor. The records for each sample contain the length and width of its petal and sepal. The standard task for this dataset is to construct a classifier for the type of Iris taking as inputs the length and width characteristics.

Now to train a classifier with Khiops we use two types of files: - A plain-text delimited data file (for example a csv file) - A dictionary file which describes the schema of the above data table (.kdic file extension)

Let’s save into variables the locations of these files for the Iris dataset and then take a look at their contents:

iris_kdic = os.path.join(kh.get_samples_dir(), "Iris", "Iris.kdic")
iris_data_file = os.path.join(kh.get_samples_dir(), "Iris", "Iris.txt")

print(f"Iris dictionary file: {iris_kdic}")
print(f"Iris data file: {iris_data_file}\n")
Iris dictionary file: /github/home/khiops_data/samples/Iris/Iris.kdic

Dictionary  Iris
    Numerical       SepalLength     ;
    Numerical       SepalWidth      ;
    Numerical       PetalLength     ;
    Numerical       PetalWidth      ;
    Categorical     Class   ;

Iris data file: /github/home/khiops_data/samples/Iris/Iris.txt

SepalLength SepalWidth      PetalLength     PetalWidth      Class
5.1 3.5     1.4     0.2     Iris-setosa
4.9 3.0     1.4     0.2     Iris-setosa
4.7 3.2     1.3     0.2     Iris-setosa
4.6 3.1     1.5     0.2     Iris-setosa
5.0 3.6     1.4     0.2     Iris-setosa
5.4 3.9     1.7     0.4     Iris-setosa
4.6 3.4     1.4     0.3     Iris-setosa
5.0 3.4     1.5     0.2     Iris-setosa
4.4 2.9     1.4     0.2     Iris-setosa

Note that the Iris variant information is in the column Class. Now let’s specify directory to save our results:

iris_results_dir = os.path.join("exercises", "Iris")
print(f"Iris results directory: {iris_results_dir}")
Iris results directory: exercises/Iris

We are now ready to train the classifier with the Khiops function train_predictor. This method returns a tuple containing the location of two files: - the modeling report (AllReports.khj): A JSON file containing information such as the informativeness of each variable, those selected for the model and performance metrics. - model’s dictionary file (Modeling.kdic): This file is an enriched version of the initial dictionary file that contains the model. It can be used to make predictions on new data.

iris_report, iris_model_kdic = kh.train_predictor(
    max_trees=0,  # by default Khiops constructs 10 decision tree variables
print(f"Iris report file: {iris_report}")
print(f"Iris modeling dictionary: {iris_model_kdic}")
Iris report file: exercises/Iris/AllReports.khj
Iris modeling dictionary: exercises/Iris/Modeling.kdic

You can verify that the result files were created in iris_results_dir. In the next sections, we’ll use the file at iris_report to assess the models’ performances and the file at iris_model_kdic to deploy it. Now we can see the report with the Khiops Visualization app:

# To visualize uncomment the line below
# kh.visualize_report(iris_report)


We’ll repeat the examples on this notebook with the Adult dataset. It contains characteristics of the adult population in USA such as age, gender and education and its task is to predict the variable class, which indicates if the individual earns more or less than 50,000 dollars.

Let’s start by putting into variables the paths for the Adult dataset:

adult_kdic = os.path.join(kh.get_samples_dir(), "Adult", "Adult.kdic")
adult_data_file = os.path.join(kh.get_samples_dir(), "Adult", "Adult.txt")

Train a classifier for the Adult database

Note the name of the target variable is class (in lower case!). Do not forget to set max_trees=0. Save the resulting file locations into the variables adult_report and adult_model_kdic and print them

adult_report, adult_model_kdic = kh.train_predictor(
print(f"Adult report file: {adult_report}")
print(f"Adult modeling dictionary file: {adult_model_kdic}")
Adult report file: exercises/Adult/AllReports.khj
Adult modeling dictionary file: exercises/Adult/Modeling.kdic

Inspect the results with the Khiops Visualization app

# To visualize uncomment the line below
# kh.visualize_report(adult_report)

Accessing a Classifiers’ Basic Evaluation Metrics

We access the classifier’s evaluation metrics by loading file at iris_report file with the Khiops function read_analysis_results_file:

iris_results = kh.read_analysis_results_file(iris_report)
<class 'khiops.core.analysis_results.AnalysisResults'>

The resulting object is an instance of the AnalysisResults class. The model evaluation reports are stored in its train_evaluation_report and test_evaluation_report attributes which are of class EvaluationReport.

iris_train_eval = iris_results.train_evaluation_report
iris_test_eval = iris_results.test_evaluation_report
<class 'khiops.core.analysis_results.EvaluationReport'>
<class 'khiops.core.analysis_results.EvaluationReport'>

We access the default predictor’s metrics with the get_snb_performance method of the evaluation report objects:

iris_train_performance = iris_train_eval.get_snb_performance()
iris_test_performance = iris_test_eval.get_snb_performance()

These objects are of class PredictorPerformance and have accuracy and auc attributes for these metrics:

print(f"Iris train accuracy: {iris_train_performance.accuracy}")
print(f"Iris test accuracy:  {iris_test_performance.accuracy}")
print(f"Iris train AUC: {iris_train_performance.auc}")
print(f"Iris test AUC:  {iris_test_performance.auc}")
Iris train accuracy: 0.980952
Iris test accuracy:  0.955556

Iris train AUC: 0.997868
Iris test AUC:  0.984362


Read the contents of the file at adult_report for the Adult analysis and print its type

adult_results = kh.read_analysis_results_file(adult_report)

Save the evaluation reports of the Adult classification to the variables adult_train_eval and adult_test_eval

adult_train_eval = adult_results.train_evaluation_report
adult_test_eval = adult_results.test_evaluation_report

Show the model’s train and test accuracies and AUCs

adult_train_performance = adult_train_eval.get_snb_performance()
adult_test_performance = adult_test_eval.get_snb_performance()
print(f"Adult train accuracy: {adult_train_performance.accuracy}")
print(f"Adult test accuracy:  {adult_test_performance.accuracy}")
print(f"Adult train AUC: {adult_train_performance.auc}")
print(f"Adult test AUC:  {adult_test_performance.auc}")
Adult train accuracy: 0.869295
Adult test accuracy:  0.865714

Adult train AUC: 0.926145
Adult test AUC:  0.921665

Deploying a Classifier

We are going to deploy the Iris classifier we have just trained on the same dataset (normally we would do this on new data). We saved the model in the file iris_model_kdic. This file is usually large and incomprehensible, so you should know what you are doing before editing it. Just this time let’s take a quick look at its contents:

peek(iris_model_kdic, 25)
#Khiops 10.3.0

Dictionary  SNB_Iris
<InitialDictionary="Iris"> <PredictorLabel="Selective Naive Bayes"> <PredictorType="Classifier">
Unused      Numerical       SepalLength             ; <Cost=1.38629> <Level=0.331855>
Unused      Numerical       SepalWidth              ; <Cost=1.38629> <Level=0.116679>
Unused      Numerical       PetalLength             ; <Cost=1.38629> <Importance=0.46748> <Level=0.621617> <Weight=0.351562>
Unused      Numerical       PetalWidth              ; <Cost=1.38629> <Importance=0.538587> <Level=0.663031> <Weight=0.4375>
Unused      Categorical     Class           ; <TargetVariable>
Unused      Structure(DataGrid)     VClass   = DataGrid(ValueSetC("Iris-setosa", "Iris-versicolor", "Iris-virginica"), Frequencies(38, 32, 35))     ; <TargetValues>
Unused      Structure(DataGrid)     PPetalLength     = DataGrid(IntervalBounds(3.15, 4.75, 5.15), ValueSetC("Iris-setosa", "Iris-versicolor", "Iris-virginica"), Frequencies(38, 0, 0, 0, 1, 26, 5, 0, 0, 0, 9, 26))        ; <Level=0.621617>      // DataGrid(PetalLength, Class)
Unused      Structure(DataGrid)     PPetalWidth      = DataGrid(IntervalBounds(0.75, 1.75), ValueSetC("Iris-setosa", "Iris-versicolor", "Iris-virginica"), Frequencies(38, 0, 0, 0, 31, 1, 0, 2, 33))       ; <Level=0.663031>      // DataGrid(PetalWidth, Class)
Unused      Structure(Classifier)   SNBClass         = SNBClassifier(Vector(0.3515625, 0.4375), DataGridStats(PPetalLength, PetalLength), DataGridStats(PPetalWidth, PetalWidth), VClass)   ;
    Categorical     PredictedClass   = TargetValue(SNBClass)        ; <Prediction>
Unused      Numerical       ScoreClass       = TargetProb(SNBClass) ; <Score>
    Numerical       ProbClassIris-setosa   = TargetProbAt(SNBClass, "Iris-setosa")        ; <TargetProb1="Iris-setosa">
    Numerical       ProbClassIris-versicolor       = TargetProbAt(SNBClass, "Iris-versicolor")    ; <TargetProb2="Iris-versicolor">
    Numerical       ProbClassIris-virginica        = TargetProbAt(SNBClass, "Iris-virginica")     ; <TargetProb3="Iris-virginica">

Note that the modeling dictionary contains 5 used variables: - Class : The original target of the dataset - PredictedClass : The class with the highest probability according to the model - ProbClassIris-setosa, ProbClassIris-versicolor, ProbClassIris-virginica: The probabilities of each class according to the model

These will be the columns of the output table when deploying the model:

iris_deployment_file = os.path.join(iris_results_dir, "iris_deployment.txt")

PredictedClass      ProbClassIris-setosa    ProbClassIris-versicolor        ProbClassIris-virginica
Iris-setosa 0.9884494887    0.008598869265  0.002951642068
Iris-setosa 0.9884494887    0.008598869265  0.002951642068
Iris-setosa 0.9884494887    0.008598869265  0.002951642068
Iris-setosa 0.9884494887    0.008598869265  0.002951642068
Iris-setosa 0.9884494887    0.008598869265  0.002951642068
Iris-setosa 0.9884494887    0.008598869265  0.002951642068
Iris-setosa 0.9884494887    0.008598869265  0.002951642068
Iris-setosa 0.9884494887    0.008598869265  0.002951642068
Iris-setosa 0.9884494887    0.008598869265  0.002951642068


Use the deploy_model function to deploy the model stored in the file at adult_model_kdic

Which columns are deployed?

adult_deployment_file = os.path.join(adult_results_dir, "adult_deployment.txt")
Predictedclass      Probclassless   Probclassmore
less        0.9999926658    7.33418716e-06
more        0.4122763795    0.5877236205
less        0.9624691952    0.03753080482
less        0.9158716208    0.08412837917
less        0.5717571015    0.4282428985
more        0.2594836411    0.7405163589
less        0.9939376151    0.006062384897
more        0.4223655109    0.5776344891
more        0.001798128     0.998201872